




I am a Wife and Mother to Eight Beautiful Children....My Grandmother
taught me about the Creator and how to stay in a constant State of Prayer....
My beliefs...Meditation Action (and) Prayer is a M.A.P.to a better YOU! 
Reconnect with Your Spiritual Self and not Your Materialistic Self... 
Using Common Sense...Common Knowledge as well as Accountability in 
this Reality will help you become the Person You knew You could be...
What You Manifest Internally shall be manifested Externally...

Revealing Truth as it is Unveiled Me...I believe that We should function 
as a Collective...with  Eyes and Mind Open...One must be willing to 
Accept the Possibility that what They have been taught as Truth may 
not be so...I believe in Communication...be it Verbal...Body Language...
Facial Expressions...We are Always Saying Something 
~Sister LaTeta